Repository with packages for Arch and Debian Linux for autopsy

Hi all,

At the Lab of Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics at IPLeiria some of our students (Luís Ferreira and João Lourenço) have created a repository to make available Linux packages of autopsy for Arch and Debian Linux distributions.

These packages are created from the official Autopsy Linux build, they are not compiled from source. Several elements are tweaked (solr permissions, removing Windows binaries, etc).

Starting from 4.19 we also provide an install script which can install Autopsy and its dependencies with one line of bash code on Debian.

We hope this will make it easier to install Autopsy on Debian and Arch based systems.

The repository is available here:

The packages are in the releases page and the install script in the readme file. If you find any issues please open a ticket in the issues section.

Best regards,
Miguel Negrão
Labcif, IPLeiria, Portugal

Hi! As long as Image Magick is not longer required, you need a different script for Autopsy 4.20 and earlier…
I did one for Mint/Ubuntu you could use for Debian. The main difference is in the way you should start. On Debian, you’ll have to beguin as root, instead of the Ubuntu/Mint way with Sudo… I tried it anyway changing two, three little things on Debian and it ran…
My repo:

This script is for Autopsy4.20.0 and Sleuthkit 4.12.0 on Mint.