Hangs on "Starting modules..." (Ubuntu 20.04)

Autopsy starts and loads fine if I run it as my normal User but when I try to add a Local Disk as a data source (Add Data Source → Local Disk), no drives are detected. From reading threads, it looks like the solution to this is to launch via sudo however, when I try this, it hangs on the “Starting modules…” portion. I couldn’t find any errors in the logs but not confident I’m looking in all the right places. Any help appreciated!

I installed this on a Linux distro call MX-Linux which is a Debian stable based distro and uses Debian Buster. I however started Autopsy from the icon under the regular user and it too hangs on “Starting Modules”

When I start it in terminal, I get the follow:

Temp Folder for libraries: /tmp
SleuthkitJNI: loaded libtsk_jni

and the program hangs and does not go any further.

In case you still have this problem, it is most likely caused by a dialog window hidden behind the splash screen. Start autopsy with the nosplash option: ./autopsy --nosplash and hit ok. This should only be needed once.

See Autopsy Starts and hangs while starting modules · Issue #6980 · sleuthkit/autopsy · GitHub


I realize it has been a while since I posted the question and just to let the forum know this fixed the issue.
