Communication Tools Error - Autopsy 4.17

Hello, I just want to share my experience using the Autopsy 4.17 especially in Communication Tools Menu.
I ran the email parser modules, then I opened the communication tools menu. On this window, I clicked one of my email containing an attachment then I tried to add tag on the message and the attachment, but they didn’t showed up on the tag result tree. I’ve tried many times but nothing happened.
Another error is when I tried to extract and open in external viewer the email attachment file through messages tab, it didn’t work.
I dont know what something worng, I tried to reinstall the software but the errors still happened

I also have suggestions for communication tools feature:

  1. There should be a keyword search on the communication window , so user can search a word specifically on the email.
  2. On the browse tab, there should be a column that shows a number of file attachments.
  3. On the summary tab, there should be a number of file attachment, not only a number of media attachment, so it will be match with the total attachment