Issue with non email parser

I installed autopsy in ubunto 19.10. I can’t find email parser beetwen ingest modules. Is it include in basic installation or is an independent plugin?

It should be there by default. Can you check your logs and see if there are any errors in there? Go to Help->Open log folder to see the logs.

Can you take a screenshot so we can see if anything else is missing?

I can’t see error message, just a several Warnings.
I don’t have Recent Activity Module in addition to Email Parser

I got the solution from the other post. I deleted .autopsy folder and restart the autopsy and I have all modules now

I think you’re missing Recent Activity, Keyword Search, and Email Parser. Which is interesting because those are the three that have separate modules in the Java code (it’s all built-in - I’m not saying you should have to install anything else). The errors in your second screenshot don’t look normal, but I’m not sure what would cause them. And I’m not sure why they would lead to those missing modules.