Autopsy Sluethkit Version on Mac OSX

Hi Everyone,

I just installed the latest Autopsy 4.19.3 on my Mac Pro running 11.2.3 . The installation appears to have run correctly and Autposy starts without errors. My question is when I launch a browser to the localhost://9999/autopsy, the interface is way different vs the Windows version. About shows it as Autopsy ver 2.24 and Sluethkit version 4.11.1. Is this a correct installation?



I hope, you do not joking.
Autopsy 4.19.3 does not use web services.
The Software has its own Java-Based GUI.

You have just installed the old Web-Based Version (launch per Browser) and as a second Installation the Java Version.

In a terminal, change to the ‘bin’ directory in the Autopsy folder.

  • Run Autopsy

Thanks for the reply.

As you have probably surmised, I am pretty new to this.

I installed Autopsy in the Downloads directoryr. The directory the install created is “autopsy-autopsy-4.18.3” , which I thought was odd. I can only run Autopsy from the autopsy-autopsy-4.18.3 directory/ There is no autopsy directory in bin. I am thinking to re-installing if I can determine the proper way to uninstall?


Hello, you have to follow the Instructions on the link

autopsy/Running_Linux_OSX.txt at develop · sleuthkit/autopsy · GitHub

This is also a good instruction


I followed the installation in the first link. i suspect there was a old installation from a previous install. I will also check out the second link provided.