I am currently developing some Autopsy modules in NetBeans. Is there any way to do some kind of functional tests for these without using the GUI and running the modules by hand?
I already looked at jellytools but it is not well documented and seems abandoned to me.
Best Regards
We have been working on this sort of thing at Basis Technology sporadically. If you visit the source tree at https://github.com/sleuthkit/autopsy/tree/develop/Core/test/qa-functional/src/org/sleuthkit/autopsy and https://github.com/sleuthkit/autopsy/tree/develop/Core/test/unit/src/org/sleuthkit/autopsy you can see some of the things we have been doing. This code is not mature enough yet to have been publicized.
Thanks for the links
. The testutils look promising. I will give them a try.
I am not sure if this is widely known but I just found out, that you can apply changes to your code directly while debugging. No need to start Autopsy again. This is a huge time saver for me and I am slightly annoyed that I did not find this working earlier. I also sent a pull request in Git in order to mention it in the docs.