Section 8 Quiz Question 8 Issue/Bug/Error?

Question 8 on Section 8 has been driving me nuts. I did some Google dorking to see if I could find a thread or forum to help so here I am. Here is an original post asking about the same question I am going to ask. Section 8 Quiz Question 3 / 8

Specifically during the lab portion of Section 8 there is a question that ask you to list the number of USBs that were connected to the device under the Extractions tree in the USBs sub-tree. Upon looking, it appears that their is a correct answer. However, the question reads as though there is more than one answer. I understand that it was changed as well for *nix users because they couldn’t see the results. I am using Windows 10 and after trying every combination in the book after getting the wrong answer. I just wandering how we should attempt to answer this question? I also just decided to select 0 because if that one reads correct for Linux then maybe it will just read correctly anyways. However, that was also not the case. I wanted to report this error and also ensure I am not crazy and make sure that there is a proper answer here.

As you linked back to the original post, the question was already answered there.

For even more clarification, the question says choose all correct answers. Unfortunately Thinkific does not allow us to have “A” or “B”, it requires it to be “A” AND “B”. We are still working on changing that question entirely, and have not done so yet.

Thank you for the feedback again

The question has been updated. The bug is fixed with the 4.15 release on *nix systems, but we have removed the original question and updated it. The new should not cause any issues like the original one did.

Thank you