Keyword Search Ingest module error

Long story short. I want to use the Keyword Search in Autopsy. However, for reason I can’t get it to work.’
Below the images are basically the problems. Firstly, when I actually opened a new case, and was asked to configure the Ingest Modules, I did select “Keyword Search.” But when I did the error would then be displayed (third image below)

To reiterate the error it will say:
"Unable to start up one or more ingest modules, ingeset cancelled. PLease disabled the failed modules or fix the errors before restarting ingest.
Keyword Search: The index could not be opened or does not exist.

I am wondering how do I actually fix this issue? Because I really want to use the Keyword Search feature to simplify process faster.

Please help. Thank you.

I am suffering from the very same problem. I emailed Autopsy but they didn’t get back to me.


What version of Autopsy are you using? 4.21.0 is now out, try that one if you are now already using it. Also what errors are you seeing in your case log file?