Hi there - i am using autopsy to help diagnose any effects of a malware Powershell script that I ran on my computer.
I would love to get any assistance that other more experienced users are willing to provide.
For context, right after I ran the bad script, I realized what I had done and turned off my computer. Since then I have not booted back into my normal Windows environment.
I downloaded a copy of Autopsy onto a Hirens bootable USB, and from there I installed it on my C drive on the infected computer. I started the process of analyzing my entire Physical Drive, which took a couple of days. That sure took a longer time than I was expecting (the drive is 1TB), but maybe that is normal.
That is now 100% complete, but I am seeing that Autopsy has now been working for several hours to do three other things:
“iOS Analyzer (iLEAPP) for PhysicalDrive0”
“Analyzing analysis results from PhysicalDrive0”
“Analyzing data artifacts from PhysicalDrive0”
Unfortunately, none of these processes show any kind of progress bar, so I have no idea if they are near completion, stuck, etc.
Is it normal that these would take a long time, and is there anything else from what I have described so far that is incorrect or unusual?
Thanks in advance for any help.