I noticed that the commit history on Github has seen a pretty steep decline since 2022 began. Is the community/developer team moving away from the tool? What’s going on?
Without going into too many details, our focus has shifted away from adding new features to Autopsy for now.
If you don’t mind me asking, is this is temporary shift away from adding new features to Autopsy? I am hoping to determine if the community is leaning toward using an alternative tool or keeping with this one.
New features can be added anytime since this is an open source tool. If the community wants to add a new feature they can. I have added several new NBM modules to my public GitHub repository in the last several months that extends Autopsy’s functionality. As time permits I will add more as well.
To facilitate future development/features I have created a spreadsheet for anyone to add features that they would like to see in Autopsy. Now this does not mean that it will be worked on but it does give community members the ideas of what Autopsy users are looking for, the features can be added as a NBM plugin or Python plugin or changes to the actual Autopsy code base. You can find the spreadsheet here. Autopsy Feature Request - Google Sheets I added one entry so that you can see an example of what I am talking about. I do ask if you put a feature down that you add your contact name so if someone is looking to implement it they know who to contact that has more information about that feature request. If there are any questions please let me know.
I am not aware about It.
Is there any possibility to accelerate the development of autopsy? Maybe with a donation system to help developers?
It’s a pity that we haven’t had new versions for such a long time. If there’s any way users can help, or even financial donations for development, it would be good to know.