Dear Support Team,
I doing the Online Course of Autopsy Training.
At Section 7 I’m trying to run the Embedded File Extractor Module but I have a prolem.
Everytime that I runing this module (Seperatly or in paralel with other modules) the Inguestion process is stucks and not procceed (stucks on 2%-5%). I’m also tryed to leave it for over the night but with no change.
I’ts occure only with this module.
I’m having the same problem when running the Embedded File Extractor module, for autopsy to work I had to disable this module
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Version: 4.14.0
Is it a physical
I’ve used it many times without having this problem.
The Embedded File Extractor Module blocked after a few seconds of processing. To solve the problem, I tested it with several forensic images and it gave error with all of these modules.
Solution to delete the content C: \ Users \ gorka \ AppData \ Roaming \ autopsy. and run the autopsy again
Possibly some incompatibility with another module that I installed.