Autopsy Video Triage Module

Hello there.

I’m trying to download the Triage Module required for completing the online training but the page is not displaying any kind of form to fill for downloading the required module.

Could you check?

Thanks for your help

see here : Video Triage Module can't be downloaded

After doing some debug on the webpage page I think I’ve found the issue.

It’s related to the iFrame embedded URL, not working with actual browsers anymore. So my workaround is copy-paste directly this URL here:

in Internet Explorer and booom, it works like a charm.

You should update that page…iFrames, old tech nowadays

You can mark as solved tnx

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Good Evening,
I have filled the form 3 times to Video Triage but, the email with the download link does not reach me, it is not in the spam.

Can you please help me?
Thank you so much!!!