Autopsy and sleuthkit JNI mismatch

I followed the excellent documentation provided by John_lehr for installing on a MacBook with Catalina. I built the sleuth kit 4.11.1 and then Autopsy 4.19.2. However, when launching autopsy, I get an error linked to a mismatch in the JNI schema. It seems that the sleuthkit builds with a Java Runtime class file version 61.0, whereas my liberica bell jdk only recognises versions up to 52.0.
Has anyone had this issue?

I rechecked thread from question from Jeff "Unable to get autopsy to start on MAC v 10.14.6 and found the answer to my problem: I had not uninstalled the openjdk.
I did this from brew (with the --force option), reset the symbolic link in /usr/local/opt/openjdk to point to the liberica jdk, rebuilt the sleuthkit, and finally reinstalled autopsy 4.19.2 with “sh”.
I now have a full menu to create new cases on my macbook pro under Catalina :smiley:
Thanks to the community !