I am getting this error
C:\Users\kriko\Documents\NetBeansProjects\autopsy\build.xml:27: Unsupported Java version: 13. Make sure that the Java version is 1.8.0_66 or higher.
I did echo %java_home%. I got C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_241
I did java -version I got
java version “1.8.0_241”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode, sharing)
I went to netbeans folder, /etc. And checked netbeans_jdkhome I saw it is
netbeans_jdkhome=“C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk-13.0.2_windows-x64_bin\jdk-13.0.2”
I am using windows 10, netbeans 11.2
Any help?
I am now getting different error LIBEWF_HOME must be set as an environment variable.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
Are you trying to build Autopsy from source or are you trying to develop a plugin using the Autopsy platform? If the latter, see https://www.sleuthkit.org/autopsy/docs/api-docs/4.14.0/mod_dev_page.html. However, it looks like you are trying to build Autopsy from source…I don’t recommend doing this if you are just trying to create some additional capability through an extension point, i.e., to write an ingest module, report module, content viewer or data source processor (difficult). Download and use the platform instead.
Anyway, here is a draft of what I will eventually be adding to the Autopsy documentation:
A Microsoft account and joining the Visual Studio Dev Essentials program will be required to enable the download.
Install Java Development Kit (JDK).
Install the 64 bit version using java-1.8.0-openjdk- You should be able to get this at https://openjdk.java.net/. Ensure that “OpenJFX Runtime” is installed as by default it is not.
After installation, confirm that your PATH environment variable has been updated to find the correct version of “java” and “javac”. The easiest way to do this is to open a command prompt and run ‘java -version’ and ‘javac -version.
If Windows cannot find java or if it finds a different version than installed reboot your machine and try the java/javac -version commands again.
Define Environment Variables
Define the following environment variables:
JAVA_HOME: Path to your 64-bit JDK installation, e.g., C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\java-1.8.0-openjdk-
JRE_HOME: Path to the JRE within your 64-bit JDK installation, e.g., C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\java-1.8.0-openjdk-\jre.
JDK_HOME : Path to your 64-bit JDK installation, e.g., C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\java-1.8.0-openjdk-
LIBEWF_HOME: Path to your libewf clone, e.g., C:\Users\rcordovano\Work\libewf_64bit.
LIBVHDI_HOME: Path to your libvhdi clone, e.g., C:\Users\rcordovano\Work\libvhdi_64bit.
LIBVMDK_HOME: Path to the libvmdk subdirectory of your libvmdk clone, e.g., C:\Users\rcordovano\Work\libvmdk_64bit\libvmdk.
Note that unlike libvhdi you need to set this variable to the libvmdk subdirectory within the repository.
POSTGRESQL_HOME_64: Path to your 64-bit PostgreSQL directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5.
TSK_HOME: Path to your local sleuthkit clone, e.g., C:\Users\rcordovano\Work\sleuthkit.
Add the PostgreSQL bin to your PATH environment variable, e.g., C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.5\bin
Add the ant directory in your NetBeans IDE installation to your path, e.g., C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\extide\ant.
Build TSK
The first time you build the SleuthKit, you will need to build several libraries the SleuthKit depends on. An easy way to do this is to change to the win32 directory of your sleuthkit clone and execute the following command, which will build both the dependencies and multiple Sleuthkit C++ targets (64-bit builds only):
python3 updateAndBuildAll.py -m
After this initial build, it is sufficient to simply build the Release_PostgreSQL x64 sleuthkit target for the libtsk_jni project using the in Visual Studio Community 2015 IDE. Open ~/sleuthkit/win32/tsk-win.sln in the IDE (File, Open, Project/Solution…), select the Release_PostgreSQL and x64 target, select the libtsk_jni project in the solution, and build.
Open the sleuthkit Java bindings project (named “DataModel”) in the NetBeans IDE. The project is located in the bindings/java subdirectory of your sleuthkit clone.
Set the Java platform as described below in the Autopsy build instructions.
Build the dist-PostgreSQL target of the “DataModel” project in the NetBeans IDE by selecting the build.xml file and then Run Target from the context menu.
Build Autopsy
Open the Autopsy project in the NetBeans IDE. The project is located in the top level directory of your autopsy clone.
Select the Autopsy module suite project, select Properties from the context menu, and select Libraries under Categories in the Project Properties - Autopsy dialog:
Push the Manage Java Platforms button to bring up the Java Platform Manager dialog, and then push the Add Platform button to invoke the Add Java Platform wizard:
Follow the steps in the wizard to add the JDK installed in “Install Development Tools” step #3 as the Java platform for Autopsy.
To build the entire Autopsy module suite, select the Autopsy module suite project and select Build in its context menu. You may also build individual NetBeans Modules (NBMs) within the suite by selecting the desired module project and selecting Build in it context menu.
Thats my logs file, and this error am getting on netbeans when running autopsy projec.
LIBEWF_HOME is set too C:\Program Files\Autopsy-4.4.0\autopsy\modules\lib\x86_64
LIBVHDI_HOME is set too C:\Program Files\Autopsy-4.4.0\autopsy\modules\lib\x86_64
I downloaded autopsy msi installer, so dll files there in C:\Program Files\Autopsy-4.4.0\autopsy\modules\lib\x86_64 …
Also when I select the Release_PostgreSQL and x64 target, select the libtsk_jni project in the solution, and build. i am getting error cannot open include file libewf.h no such file or directory.
JDK_HOME to my jdk
LIBEWF_HOME to C:…\libewf_64bit-master
LIBVHDI_HOME to C:…\libvhdi_64bit-master
LIBVMDK_HOME to C:…\libvmdk_64bit-master\libvmdk
I build libvhdi and libvmdk using visual studio successfully, i also build libewf successfully.
All release - win 32.
Once I go to sleuthkit (last repo up there ) in visual studio, i am getting Link Fatal error cannot open input file libewf.lib when i try to build libtsk_jni. Release_postgresql X64.
the linkers are (LIBVMDK_HOME}\msvscpp]\Release;(LIBVHDI_HOME}\msvscpp]\Release ;$(LIBEWF_HOME}\msvscpp]\Release
Note I copied zlib folder from libvmdk to libewf to make building libewf work.