Is it possible to get Folder created datetime with Sleuth Kit?

Are there any Sleuth Kit tools to get a folders created datetime based on its path + name or inode?

Have you looked at istat? Pass the meta-data entry (MFT entry, inode, etc) to istat and it returns information including times. Here’s an example using MFT entry 65 (a user’s home directory) on an NTFS file system:

$ istat -o 2048 NTFS_Pract_2017.raw 65

MFT Entry Header Values:
Entry: 65        Sequence: 1
$LogFile Sequence Number: 0
Allocated Directory
Links: 1

Flags: Archive
Owner ID: 0
Security ID: 0  ()
Created:	2017-05-01 08:57:25.502897800 (EDT)
File Modified:	2017-05-01 09:12:47.963572700 (EDT)
MFT Modified:	2017-05-01 09:12:47.963572700 (EDT)
Accessed:	2017-05-01 09:18:32.678650900 (EDT)

$FILE_NAME Attribute Values:
Flags: Directory, Archive
Name: AlbertE
Parent MFT Entry: 64 	Sequence: 1
Allocated Size: 0   	Actual Size: 0
Created:	2017-05-01 08:57:25.502897800 (EDT)
File Modified:	2017-05-01 08:57:25.502897800 (EDT)
MFT Modified:	2017-05-01 08:57:25.502897800 (EDT)
Accessed:	2017-05-01 08:57:25.502897800 (EDT)

Type: $STANDARD_INFORMATION (16-0)   Name: N/A   Resident   size: 48
Type: $FILE_NAME (48-3)   Name: N/A   Resident   size: 80
Type: $SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR (80-1)   Name: N/A   Resident   size: 80
Type: $INDEX_ROOT (144-2)   Name: $I30   Resident   size: 56
Type: $INDEX_ALLOCATION (160-5)   Name: $I30   Non-Resident   size: 4096  init_size: 4096
Type: $BITMAP (176-4)   Name: $I30   Resident   size: 8

Hope this helps.

Thanks! Just the answer I was looking for.