I have Ubuntu 20.04 with Autopsy 4.17.0 installed. I put python ingest modules into .\autopsy dev\python_modules, but I am unable to add them so they appear in my ingest modules list. I have Python 3 installed. Thank you.
Is that the directory that opened when you went to Tools->Python Plugins (I’ve never tried it on linux so I’m not sure what it should be)
Is each ingest module in a separate folder in that directory? Do you see any errors in the logs? Autopsy User Documentation: Troubleshooting
#My previous email reply#
Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried the “Plugins” menu item in your screenshot, but when I select any .py Ingest module to add it, there were no errors, but the .py did not appear in the list. In linux, if the Python Plugins is double clicked, it opens the “.\autopsy dev\python_modules” folder. I copied the .py files into this folder, but I did not copy the folder itself. I will try your tip on my Linux box tonight. Muchas gracias for the “Installing 3rd-Party Modules” link.
I moved a Python folder into the “.\autopsy dev\python_modules” folder; module is now viewable in list. Thanks again.
Thank you so much…