DSP python module

I’m trying to write data source processing module in python, can somone give me a tip how to add files to case, but with their properties like size, ctime, mtime etc.?

Are you looking at adding a few files or a lot of files that may reside in a directory?

Lot of files in directories. It’s a copy of filesystem, files are in folders and their properties in xml file. I would like to add files with their orginal properties from xml file.

Look at addDerivedFile

skCase = Case.getCurrentCase().getSleuthkitCase()
derived_file = skCase.addDerivedFile(see parameters below)

* Adds a derived file to the case.
* @param fileName The name of the file.
* @param localPath The local path of the file, relative to the case
* folder and including the file name.
* @param size The size of the file in bytes.
* @param ctime The change time of the file.
* @param crtime The create time of the file
* @param atime The accessed time of the file.
* @param mtime The modified time of the file.
* @param isFile True if a file, false if a directory.
* @param parentObj The parent object from which the file was derived.
* @param rederiveDetails The details needed to re-derive file (will be
* specific to the derivation method), currently
* unused.
* @param toolName The name of the derivation method or tool,
* currently unused.
* @param toolVersion The version of the derivation method or tool,
* currently unused.
* @param otherDetails Other details of the derivation method or tool,
* currently unused.
* @param encodingType Type of encoding used on the file, use this TskData.EncodingType.NONE
* @return A DerivedFile object representing the derived file.
* @throws TskCoreException if there is a problem adding the file to the
* case database.
public DerivedFile addDerivedFile(String fileName,
String localPath,
long size,
long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
boolean isFile,
Content parentObj,
String rederiveDetails, String toolName, String toolVersion, String otherDetails,
TskData.EncodingType encodingType)

Thank you Mark.
What should I pass as

  • @param parentObj The parent object from which the file was derived.

to addDerivedFile method ?