Sleuthkit 4.7.0

Hi All,

I am new the Linux so bare with me please.

I installed the sleuthKit (i think i did) from here following the instructions in the install.txt but i can’t use any commands from sleuthkit. i uninstalled the previous version using ‘sudo apt-get --purge remove sleuthkit’. Is there an options to install it via the apt-get as its normally done. Doing ‘sudo apt-get install sleuthkit’ installs the previous version 4.6.5 but not the new one.

Any help would be appreciated.

Unzip the archive, open terminal, CD into the directory containing the unzipped files and run “./configure” followed by “make” and finally “make install”. If you do not have root account enabled by default the final step should be “sudo make install”.

Sorry for the late replay. I had followed the instruction in the Readme.txt but after installation the mmls does not work. I’ve also uninstalled the previous version.

The output of each is lengthy so cannot post it here.