Plaso module- Updating and filtering

The version of plaso that comes with the recent Autopsy releases is plaso-20180818. There is a Windows release that is over a year newer than that though- plaso-20191203. Can the plaso module be updated?

Also, Plaso on Autopsy seems to take much longer that when I run Plaso on linux. Is it possible to run the Plaso module with the file filter option,
e.g --file-filter 'C:\Program Files\Autopsy-4.18.0\autopsy\plaso\plaso-20180818-amd64\data_filter_windows.txt' so that we do not spend time running plaso on files we to not care about?

I’ve been running the plaso module on the 3.5GB e01 from the Autopsy training for over 4 hours and its still at 0%.