In Autopsy: What ingest modules are nessesary for extracting/copying out all images?

I want to extract all images from Autopsy.
To do this I’ve written a Ingest Module.
I’m currently testing it on a 128 GB image, but I think it is very slow. I was wondering what Ingest Modules are nessesary for extracting all images?

Ingest modules I think are nessesary:

  • Checked File Type Identification

  • Checked Extension Mismathc Detector

  • Checked Embedded File Extractor

  • Checked Exif Parser

  • Checked PhotoRec Carver

  • Checked Virtual Machine Extractor

Ingest modules I dont think are nessesary:

  • Recent Activity

  • Hash Lookup

  • Keyword Search

  • Email Parser

  • Encryption Detection

  • Interesting Files Identifer

  • Corrleation Engine

  • Data Source Integrity

  • Plaso

  • Andrion Analyzer

This is my Ingest plugin for copying out all images:

You will only need “File Type Identification” checked in order to get the mime types so that you can run your plugin. Are you running your plugin at the same time as you will be running “File Type Identification” or waiting for it to complete first, then running yours? If your answer is after then maybe you might want to consider changing your ingest module type to Datasource insead of File. As a datasource ingest module you could do a FileManager.findFilesByMimeType( listOfMimeToCopy) to get all the files you want the write them out.

If you want to process each file individually as you are now then I would suggest moving your creation of your main directory to startup that way it only happens once. I would also suggest you move the list of mime types up to startup as well. You can prefix the variable names with self. so you can access then within the process method. That should help a little since you are not doing it for each file.

Hi, thank you.

Firstly will this extract images and videoes from zip files, word documents, emails etc?

Seccondly if I have a file with the name “illict_image.jpX”, will it then know that it is a image?

I think you do need embedded file extractor and photorec (and possibly VM) to get all the image.

Ann is correct to make sure you have all possible files you want you need to run those ingest modules she states.

As for your question if the file header is of a image type then yes it will find it no matter what the file extension says. If you want to find any file extension mismatches then run that ingest module as well, this will show you any of the mismatches of extension to file header of what it expects.

When I moved the variable “listOfMimeToCopy” and “exportDirectory” from the def process(self, file): to def startUp(self, context): I get error:

"ExportAllImagesVideosAudio objejct has not attribute listOfMimeToCopy

# File:
# Version 1.3
# Date 08:00 18.03.2020
# Copyright (c) 2020 S. A. Ditlefsen
# License: GNU General Public License version 3
# The following ingest modules have to run in order to get this module to work:
# - File Type Identification
# - Extension Mismatch Detector
# - Embedded File Extractor
# - PhotoRec Carver
# - Virtual Machine Extractor

from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import SleuthkitCase
from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import AbstractFile
from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import ReadContentInputStream
from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import BlackboardArtifact
from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import BlackboardAttribute
from org.sleuthkit.datamodel import TskData
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import IngestModule
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest.IngestModule import IngestModuleException
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import FileIngestModule
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import IngestModuleFactoryAdapter
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import GenericIngestModuleJobSettings
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import IngestModuleIngestJobSettingsPanel
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import IngestMessage
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import IngestServices
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest import ModuleDataEvent
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils import Logger
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils import PlatformUtil
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.casemodule import Case
from import Services
from import FileManager
from org.sleuthkit.autopsy.datamodel import ContentUtils

import os
from import File
from java.util.logging import Level
import inspect

# Copy Multimedia Factory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExportAllImagesVideoesAudioFactory(IngestModuleFactoryAdapter):

    moduleName = "Export All Images Videoes and Audio"

    def getModuleDisplayName(self):
        return self.moduleName

    def getModuleDescription(self):
        return "Find all images videoes and audio and exports it to new directory"

    def getModuleVersionNumber(self):
        return "1.3"

    # Return true if module wants to get called for each file
    def isFileIngestModuleFactory(self):
        return True

    # can return null if isFileIngestModuleFactory returns false
    def createFileIngestModule(self, ingestOptions):
        return ExportAllImagesVideoesAudio()

# Copy Multimedia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExportAllImagesVideoesAudio(FileIngestModule):

    _logger = Logger.getLogger(ExportAllImagesVideoesAudioFactory.moduleName)

    def log(self, level, msg):
        self._logger.logp(level, self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[1][3], msg)

    # Startup
    def startUp(self, context):
        self.filesFound = 0

        # List of images and videoes
        listOfMimeToCopy = ['image/bmp','image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/tiff',
                                'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'image/x-raw-nikon', 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'image/x-icon', 'image/webp',
                                'image/', 'image/x-rgb', 'image/x-ms-bmp','image/x-xbitmap','image/x-portable-graymap',
                                'video/webm', 'video/3gpp', 'video/3gpp2', 'video/ogg','video/mpeg', 
                                'video/mp4', 'video/quicktime', 'video/x-msvideo', 'video/x-flv', 'video/x-m4v', 
                                'audio/midi', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/webm', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav', 
                                'audio/vnd.wave', 'audio/x-ms-wma']

        # Export directory (C:\Users\user\Documents\cases\1568795\Autopsy\1568795_2020_5060_90_1_sofias_pc\Export)
        exportDirectory = Case.getCurrentCase().getExportDirectory()
        caseName = Case.getCurrentCase().getName()
        number = Case.getCurrentCase().getNumber()

	# Export make C:\Users\user\Documents\cases\1568795\
        exportDirectory = exportDirectory.replace("\\Autopsy", "");
        exportDirectory = exportDirectory.replace("\\" + str(number), "");
        exportDirectory = exportDirectory.replace("\\Export", "");
        #self.log(Level.INFO, "==> 1) exportDirectory=" + str(exportDirectory) + " number=" + str(number) + " caseName=" + str(caseName))

	# Export make C:\Users\user\Documents\cases\1568795\Img_video_audio
        exportDirectory = os.path.join(exportDirectory, "Img_video_audio")
        #self.log(Level.INFO, "==> 2) exportDirectory=" + str(exportDirectory) + " number=" + str(number))

	# Export make C:\Users\user\Documents\cases\1568795\Img_video_audio\1568795_2020_5060_90_1_sofias_pc
        exportDirectory = os.path.join(exportDirectory, number)
        #self.log(Level.INFO, "==> 3) exportDirectory=" + str(exportDirectory) + " number=" + str(number))


    # Process
    def process(self, file):
        # Skip non-files
        if ((file.getType() == TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.UNALLOC_BLOCKS) or
            (file.getType() == TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.UNUSED_BLOCKS) or
            (file.isFile() == False)):
            return IngestModule.ProcessResult.OK

        # Blackboard
        blackboard = Case.getCurrentCase().getServices().getBlackboard()

        # For an example, we will flag files with .txt in the name and make a blackboard artifact.
        if(file.getMIMEType() in self.listOfMimeToCopy):

                # Recreate path
                uniquePathFullLinux = file.getUniquePath();
                # Recreate path Windows
                uniquePathFullWindows = uniquePathFullLinux.replace("/", "\\")
                uniquePathFullWindows = uniquePathFullWindows[1:]
                fileName = os.path.basename(uniquePathFullWindows)
                uniquePathWindows = uniquePathFullWindows.replace(fileName, "");
		# uniquePathWindows = img_1568795_2020_5060_90_1_sofias_pc.001\vol_vol3\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemData\S-1-5-21-1960575443-3642755368-4161086620-1001\ReadOnly\LockScreen_W\
		# Remove "img_1568795_2020_5060_90_1_sofias_pc.001\"
                # self.log(Level.INFO, "==> 4) uniquePathWindows=" + str(uniquePathWindows))
		replaceImgName = "img_" + str(number) + ".001\\"
                uniquePathWindows = uniquePathWindows.replace(replaceImgName, "");

                # Create directory
                splitDir = uniquePathWindows.split("\\")
                pathToCreate = os.path.join(self.exportDirectory, "")
                for directory in splitDir:
                        directory = directory.replace(":", "")
                        pathToCreate = os.path.join(pathToCreate, directory)
                        # self.log(Level.INFO, "==> directory=" + str(directory) + " pathToCreate=" + str(pathToCreate))


                # Write file
                        extractedFile = os.path.join(pathToCreate, file.getName())
                        ContentUtils.writeToFile(file, File(extractedFile))
                        self.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error writing File " + file.getName() + " to " + extractedFile)

                # Make artifact on blackboard
                art = file.newArtifact(BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_INTERESTING_FILE_HIT)
                att = BlackboardAttribute(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_SET_NAME, ExportAllImagesVideoesAudioFactory.moduleName, "Images, videoes and audio")

                # Index artifact
                        # index the artifact for keyword search
                except Blackboard.BlackboardException as e:
                        self.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error indexing artifact " + art.getDisplayName())

                # UI
                IngestServices.getInstance().fireModuleDataEvent(ModuleDataEvent(ExportAllImagesVideoesAudioFactory.moduleName, BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_INTERESTING_FILE_HIT, None))

        return IngestModule.ProcessResult.OK

    # Shutdown
    def shutDown(self):
        # As a final part of this example, we'll send a message to the ingest inbox with the number of files found (in this thread)
        message = IngestMessage.createMessage(
            IngestMessage.MessageType.DATA, ExportAllImagesVideoesAudioFactory.moduleName,
                str(self.filesFound) + " files found")
        ingestServices = IngestServices.getInstance().postMessage(message)

In startup the listOfMimeToCopy must have a self. at the beginning so you can reference it anywhere in the class. Same for exportDirectory.

Thank you.
I got it working now.