I have tried a few modules that generate reports on both Autopsy 4.16 and 4.17 both they keep giving an error. An example is when I run the reportmodule.py report located https://github.com/sleuthkit/autopsy/blob/develop/pythonExamples/reportmodule.py.
The error seems to be when it is joining the basereportdir with the report file. Looking at the logs the error is as follows
File “C:\Users\emeu\AppData\Roaming\autopsy\python_modules\sample report\ReportModule.py”, line 98, in generateReport
fileName = os.path.join(baseReportDir, self.getRelativeFilePath())
File “C:\Program Files\Autopsy-4.17.0\autopsy\modules\ext\jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar\Lib\ntpath.py”, line 96, in join
TypeError: object of type ‘org.sleuthkit.autopsy.report.GeneralReportSettings’ has no len()
Another error that occurs is when I use Mark McKinnon’s SPAI HTML report module…
File “C:\Users\emeu\AppData\Roaming\autopsy\python_modules\SPAI_Model_Report_Module\SPAIModelReportModule.py”, line 343, in generateReport
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘report_dir’ referenced before assignment
These errors doesn’t occur in versions 4.15 and earlier…
Any advice would be appreciated