Content Viewer Pane is Disappear

I’m here because this has happened to me - instead of the “Data Content” and “Listing” being separate, (they just replace each other when you select them in the “Window” menu) and that top panel stays blank.

I tried floating/docking etc and couldn’t get it restored.

All I did was drag the separator/adjuster between the two panes “too far” up and it just glitches the top pane and you can’t immediately fix it in the GUI.

This was my method to investigate and resolve the issue - while I was sure deleting the whole folder would fix it, I didn’t want to lose everything in there.

  1. I renamed my roaming\autopsy\config folder, and when it rebuilds the new one it fixes it so this would indicate the problematic files/folders are somewhere within the folder

  2. I restored my old config folder and tried renaming specific subfolders that seemed likely and re-loading Autopsy, but the problem persisted

  3. I then renamed my config folder again to let Autopsy build a new one and I noticed only a couple of subfolders (“Preferences” and “Windows2Local” - which were the ones I had identified as the most likely culprits) were recreated.

  4. I restored my old config folder again, renamed BOTH of the above (which I had only done individually previously) and it works! So it’s a combination of something in both of those sub-folders.

PSA - don’t drag that separator too far up!

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